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Different types of color sorters are required for different output!

Word:[Big][Middle][Small] QR Code 2021/12/9     Viewed:    
  Recently, many customers asked how much the color sorter cost? What is the output of the color sorter? I will compile a detailed production ratio table of color separators. Small processing plants and farmers need to be equipped with Jietai medium and small color separators. Cooperatives and large and small processing plants with relatively large output need to be equipped with high-output multi-channel color separators:

  The specific output table is as follows:
  Model of small multi-functional color sorter: 6sxm-32a, output: 0.4-0.6t/h
  The model of single channel Beige separator is 6sxm-78a, and its output is 1.0-2.0t/h
  The model of double channel Beige separator is 6sxm-127a, and its output is 1.6-3.0t/h
  The model of small and medium-sized rice color sorter is 6sxm-192, and its output is 2.0-4.0t/h
  The model of multi-channel miscellaneous grain color sorter is 6sxz-320, and its output is 7.0-15t/h
  The model of seven channel miscellaneous grain color sorter is 6sxz-448, and its output is 11-21t/h
  The model of high-yield coarse grain color sorter is 6sxz-640, and its output is 15-30t/h
  The output of the color sorter is mainly determined by the type of color sorter and the type of color sorter materials. When purchasing the color sorter, you must go to the manufacturer to determine the type of materials. You can buy your own color sorter. Jietai color sorter specializes in the production of small and medium-sized color sorters, which can select rice, corn, Cereals, plastics, pepper and other materials.
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